






Wiping your PC and reinstalling Windows can be the most effective way to boost it

If you’ve tried clearing the clutter, vanquishing viruses and making  performance tweaks, but your computer is still on a go-slow, it’s time to return it to its former glory by reinstalling Windows. This will delete everything from your hard drive though, so if there are any files, emails or even Internet Explorer Favourites you don’t want to lose, it’s essential to back these up. Take a look at the step-by-step guide below to learn how to do this in a little more detail.
Reinstall Windows

Know your reinstalling methods

There are two main methods for reinstalling Windows, but we’ll start with the most common procedure for computers made by companies such as Dell or Acer. These manufacturers often allocate a small area of your hard drive to store a duplicate of the computer’s original Windows 7 data, which can now be used to overwrite any clogged files. 
To access this preserved copy of this operating system, restart your computer and as soon as it begins to fire back up, repeatedly tap [F8] until a menu entitled ‘Advanced boot options’ appears. Select the ‘Repair your computer’ option and press [Enter]. At this point, the computer’s recovery software may start to kick in automatically. If it doesn’t, continue until you reach the stage where you’re required to select your usual account name from a drop-down list and enter the associated password as per normal. You’ll now be met with a list of various options, but the one we’re looking for activates the PC manufacturer’s recovery software and is normally the last link to appear on the list.
START AFRESH It may sound a little drastic, but reinstalling Windows 7 can give your poor old PC a real boost
It’s now a matter of following the specific instructions for your recovery program, but if given the choice between preserving new and changed software or wiping everything back to exact factory specifications, plump for the latter. This way any undesirable digital intruders which may have set up camp on your computer over the years will be evicted. This is the first reinstalling method.

Reinstalling with a disc

The second method for reinstalling it requires a genuine Windows 7 installation DVD, which you may have been given if your PC was built by a low-volume manufacturer. To use this disc, first back up your files then restart your computer, but instead of pressing [F8] on start-up, tap [F12] to load the DVD. When prompted, click the large ‘Install now’ button and continue until you’re asked which type of installation you want. Pick the ‘Custom (advanced)’ option and you’ll now have the choice of where to install it. Choose the partition where the operating system is currently installed (usually the C: drive) and click the ‘Drive options’ link beneath. Double-check you’ve highlighted the correct partition, select the ‘Format’ option and when this finishes, click ‘Next’ for the reinstalling process.You’re nearly ready to enjoy your newly-restored, fighting fit PC, but there are a couple more hurdles to clear. During the set-up process you’ll have to enter your very own product key. This is usually found on a sticker attached to your computer, or on the original packaging of your Windows disc. Finally, once you’re back online, be sure to regularly visit the Windows Update web page to apply essential security updates and add any missing hardware drivers. And this is the second reinstalling method.

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  1. The most easy and simple way to reinstall windows. Thank you very mush.

